Monday, February 13, 2012

LAYERS OF THE EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey this is Sydni I am going to talk about  a lot a different things today. Well, first I'm going to talk  about the earths  layers.  The earth has 4 different layers  the crust,mantle,outer core and inner  core. The crust is the surface layer of the Earth.The Mantle has two parts; the upper mantle and the lower mantle. Most of the mantle is solid rock, but some mantle is soft rock. The outer core is hot liquid iron. The inner core is iron and nickel. Even though the core is very hot, great at the center of Earth keeps the inner core solid.

What causes the earth plates to move!!!!!!!!!!

 There are 10 major plates. Most of the North America, Greeland ,and part of  the Alantic Ocean. Now I guess I will talk about how plates move.Plates float on the softer rock of  the mantle .As the rock flows plates move becuase plates fit toghther so closely the movement of one plate affects other plates.

What is meant by Earth plates?
Earth's crust and uppermost mantle are divided into sections, called plates. Plates are blocks of crust and upper mantle rock that fit together like puzzle pieces.

Thats all for today .

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