Sunday, February 5, 2012


Hey it's Sydni. Today, I'm going to talk about circuits. Have you ever heard about circuits? Well lets get started!!  First I'm going to talk about Series Circuits. A series circuit is when all the parts are connected ,and the current only has one path to follow . Also, the parts are connected one after the other in a single loop. Well I guess now I am going  to talk a little about  Parallel  Circuits. A parallel circuit is a close electric cricuit ,and it has two or more path ways to flow through.That's about it for this  part. Well now you know more about series circuits ,and parallel circuits so let's move on.

What parts make up an electrical circuit?

Some of the parts are a moter ,switch,lamp,cell, battery,resitor,variable resitor,volmeter,and a ameter. Now you can see a picuture of the synbols.

What are 2 advantages ?  Lets use the Light bulb as an example!!!!!

They will get a full batttery so they will be very bright.
They are in there own conducting loop so you can turn one bulb off without it affecting another.

Why do appliances include circuit digrams in their instructions?

The reasson is so that repair technicians can fix any problems the appliance may have.

Well that's all for today keep reading my blog.

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