Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Hey this is Sydni I am going to talk a little about static electricity. Have you ever gotten shocked? The reason why you get shocked is you either take off your sweater to fast or you walk across the carpet and touch  metal.

Another thing that is part of static electricity is lighting.

FACT: Did you ever know that opposites attract.A positive and a negative charge will atract and pull towards each other.Things with same charges two positives or two negatives will repel or push away from each other.

When you go home you can try a project. The project is you get a balloon ,and rub it back and fourth on your hair. Then you pick the balloon up and your hair well move back and fourth and it stand up in the air. when you are doing that you are creating static electricity.

Now you know about static electricity now were going to talk about how it works.

Static electricity is an imbalance between negative and positive charges in objects.

Now that you know about static electricity you can go tell friends and family what static electricity is.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Hey,  have you ever wondered what plagiarisim is?  Well your going to find out plagiarism is when you  copy someones work. Example, when you go on the internet and you have a current event to do  and you  copy the current event exaxtly like it has on the internet, that is plagiarism. You should always try to put it in your own words and try your best. Lots of teachers will give you an "F" if they find out that you have plagiarized.

If you need to type something exactly off the internet this is called a citation as long as you use quotation marks this will inform people that you have taken this off the internet and these are not your exact words.